Monday, March 11, 2013

I HATE ice!

So, I have a bunch of stuff to update here, and will be backtracking, as there's been a few things happening around here.  But, I thought I'd start with something recent.  Wednesday, as a matter of fact.

Mind you, it's winter here in Wisconsin, and we have lots of snow on the ground.  Where I park at work is a gravel parking lot, so the snow is never completely cleared in the winter -- just like our driveway at home.  That's just the way it is when you have gravel, instead of cement and those of us that live in the country are used to it and just have to deal with it. 

Anyway, Erica was waiting in my truck for me to finish up at work.  I finally got done and grabbed my purse, my bag, my camera bag and my big water cup.  I had my camera bag in my left hand, but the rest was in my right.   I had just walked past the front door on my truck (I needed to put my stuff in the back seat).  Suddenly, I found myself falling . . . I landed on my knees, and my elbows and hands hit the ground, along with my bags.  I couldn't stop myself, and unbelievably, found myself sliding further, and finally ending up pretty much flat out on the ice on my stomach!  

I didn't scream or anything, as I was just trying, quite unsuccessfully (obviously) to keep my balance!  As I said, Erica was waiting for me in the truck, and I heard her door open and she ran around and asked me if I was OK, as I was trying to get up and at least onto my knees.  She took my bags and put them in the truck. Fortunately, I had my camera in it's padded bag, so it wasn't injured), and nothing else was damaged, either.  I didn't have anything broken, and it appeared that I was going to be OK, so I got up and got in the truck and drove home.  By the time I got home 40 minutes later, I was already sore.   

As we were driving home, I told her "you can laugh now."  She looked at me and said "no, I can't.  You'll get mad."  I told her I wouldn't get mad, and that she could laugh.  She did chuckle a bit, then.  When I asked her how she knew I fell, she said "you were there . . . and then you weren't."  I busted out laughing at that!  In fact, I was snickering the entire ride home!  I don't know about you, but I find that EXTREMELY funny!  "You were there . . . and then you weren't!"  Just too funny!

I was surprised to find the next morning that the most painful part of my body was my right hand.  Specifically, my pinkie, and ring finger.  It hurt even to reach the "enter" key on my computer with my right pinkie.  I was a little slow going up and down stairs, as my right knee was a bit sore, but otherwise I was fine.  Fortunately, most of the pain was short-lived, and by Friday all seemed to be OK.  Seeing as I'm a tad behind here, I should probably add that I did notice at church yesterday (03-10-2013), when I was clapping  along to a song, that my right hand still hurt, so there obviously was some soft tissue damage which is taking a little longer to heal.  I'm sure it will be fine, though. 

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of winter!  I want the snow gone and warmer weather! 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Headed to the ER with Abby!

So, on Friday, Abby went snowboarding with friends at Bruce Mound.  She went with Erica and a bunch of other people, and I wasn't really worried, even though she doesn't have much experience at snowboarding.   Around 10 p.m., she called to tell me that she fell and hurt her shoulder, but it "wasn't bad."  

OK, well, they got home about an hour later and Abby woke me up and was in a SLING!   OK, what exactly happened?  Well, she fell on her shoulder and heard a "crack."  She got up to try to continue snowboarding, and fell again!  UGH!  She then picked up her snowboard and walked to the emergency personnel.  Because of the size of this place, they always have paramedics on standby, which is probably a good thing!  The paramedics gave her a sling for her arm and called it "blunt force trauma to the shoulder" and advised her to visit the ER the next day.  I assume they said ER because it happened late on a Friday night, and the doctor's offices are not open on Saturdays.  

Abby told me she was fine and I went back to sleep.  After all, I had to work at 6 a.m. the next morning, and at 15, I trust Abby to know when something's really wrong with her own body. 

So, off to work I went at 5:30, and at 8:00, Erica calls to tell me that Abby's been crying in her room for the last hour, complaining of how bad her shoulder hurts.  Oh, geeze!  OK.  Today's a relatively easy Saturday for me, and I should be done in another hour or so, so I told Erica I would call her when I was done and we could meet at the hospital.  She wanted to just take Abby herself, and I had to tell her that treatment has to be authorized by a parent, not a sibling -- at least when it's not an emergency. 

So, I finished work in about another hour and call the girls up to meet me at the hospital.  Fortunately, it was not busy at the emergency room and they were able to get her in right away.  We thought maybe she had broken her collar bone, and so did the doctors.  They took her for X-rays right away, and praise the Lord, her collar bone was NOT broken!  YEA!!!!!!   She DID sustain a very bad bruise to her collar bone, and they gave her a sling (hospital issue, instead of the triangle "sheet" the paramedics gave her) to use to help relieve the pressure and pain.  She's to take Tylenol for the pain, and they would have written her an excuse for gym class, but she doesn't have that this year.  

All in all, it could have been MUCH worse than it was.  Most times, there's not much doctors can do for a broken collar bone, as it simply needs time to heal.  If it had been broken, unless it was a really BAD break, they probably would have done the same thing, except maybe given her prescription pain killers.  

So, although I haven't updated in a while, as there's not much going on, it seems there's always some sort of excitement in the Mik household!   

Prayers for Abby to heal quickly would be appreciated! 

Peace and Love to all! 


Friday, January 18, 2013

Been Boring Around Here!

I really haven't been doing much to talk about lately.  I guess I've been in a bit of a funk, because I just haven't felt like blogging.  I guess I need to blog, even if I don't feel like it.

I last wrote about our new chickens, so I guess I won't start off with another chicken story.  So how about a quick cat story?  LOL  I'm not sure if I mentioned that we have a new cat or not.  She is the mother cat that has had a couple of litters in our old barn.  It's a LONG story about how she came to be in the house, so suffice it to say she's here.  Well, it turns out in the last day or so, she is apparently, in heat.  Do you have ANY IDEA how LOUD a female cat in heat can be?  HOLY CRAP!  It's amazingly ANNOYING!  She can't help it, so we can't yell at her.  We just have to deal with it.  Hopefully, it won't last long.  I know we should get her fixed, but it's just not in the budget right now.  There's no way I can afford to have her fixed, so we're just going to have to deal with it.

Work is going well, and I'm really enjoying my job.  It's a little frustrating in that I keep piling more work onto myself because I'm ramping up the marketing that we're doing.  That means more work for me, and no additional time to do it in.  It's my own fault, but it's also something I really want to do.  I LOVE the company I work for and I truly love my boss (the owner), and even better, SHE loves ME, too!  I've  never worked for someone who actually TELLS me how happy she is to have me working for her before!  I've never had someone tell me that they want me to HAVE FUN with my job and to ENJOY what I do!  Isn't that incredible?!  THAT'S the kind of company I'm working for, and that's why I don't mind putting the extra time in.  

To that end, I went to a seminar today on Social Media Marketing.  That's what I'm really working on at work, is getting the social media marketing up and running.  I've been working on their Facebook page, but I know there's a lot more I need to do.  I just need to learn what I should be doing.  This seminar had GREAT information for me, and I'm really glad I went.  I now have a lot MORE work to do!  Ha!  I'm thinking it's a good thing my kids are older and I have time when I get home from work to do some of this stuff, because I don't have time at the office.  When I'm at home and bored, it feels good to have work to do to keep me busy and not just sitting in front of the TV.  

I'll write some more in the next day or two, but just wanted to let you know I'm still here, and I plan on keeping the blog going.

Thanks for all the kind words about keeping it going.  It make my heart sing to know that there are those out there that really want to hear about what's going on up here in the middle of nowhere!

God's Blessings to all!
