Friday, January 18, 2013

Been Boring Around Here!

I really haven't been doing much to talk about lately.  I guess I've been in a bit of a funk, because I just haven't felt like blogging.  I guess I need to blog, even if I don't feel like it.

I last wrote about our new chickens, so I guess I won't start off with another chicken story.  So how about a quick cat story?  LOL  I'm not sure if I mentioned that we have a new cat or not.  She is the mother cat that has had a couple of litters in our old barn.  It's a LONG story about how she came to be in the house, so suffice it to say she's here.  Well, it turns out in the last day or so, she is apparently, in heat.  Do you have ANY IDEA how LOUD a female cat in heat can be?  HOLY CRAP!  It's amazingly ANNOYING!  She can't help it, so we can't yell at her.  We just have to deal with it.  Hopefully, it won't last long.  I know we should get her fixed, but it's just not in the budget right now.  There's no way I can afford to have her fixed, so we're just going to have to deal with it.

Work is going well, and I'm really enjoying my job.  It's a little frustrating in that I keep piling more work onto myself because I'm ramping up the marketing that we're doing.  That means more work for me, and no additional time to do it in.  It's my own fault, but it's also something I really want to do.  I LOVE the company I work for and I truly love my boss (the owner), and even better, SHE loves ME, too!  I've  never worked for someone who actually TELLS me how happy she is to have me working for her before!  I've never had someone tell me that they want me to HAVE FUN with my job and to ENJOY what I do!  Isn't that incredible?!  THAT'S the kind of company I'm working for, and that's why I don't mind putting the extra time in.  

To that end, I went to a seminar today on Social Media Marketing.  That's what I'm really working on at work, is getting the social media marketing up and running.  I've been working on their Facebook page, but I know there's a lot more I need to do.  I just need to learn what I should be doing.  This seminar had GREAT information for me, and I'm really glad I went.  I now have a lot MORE work to do!  Ha!  I'm thinking it's a good thing my kids are older and I have time when I get home from work to do some of this stuff, because I don't have time at the office.  When I'm at home and bored, it feels good to have work to do to keep me busy and not just sitting in front of the TV.  

I'll write some more in the next day or two, but just wanted to let you know I'm still here, and I plan on keeping the blog going.

Thanks for all the kind words about keeping it going.  It make my heart sing to know that there are those out there that really want to hear about what's going on up here in the middle of nowhere!

God's Blessings to all!
