OYE! What a day!
What a day today was! As usual for a Monday, it was very busy at the store. Mondays are always busy because we have orders from Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday (and Monday until 1 p.m.) to get out on Mondays. Three and a half days' worth of orders are a lot to get out in one day. Fortunately, Greg is coming in earlier now, which makes it a bit easier on me. The day was going OK until I received a call from a customer. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get it right and that seems to be the case with the orders that were confused on September 4th. I had received the waffle irons back from the first customer on Wednesday and had immediately shipped out his pie irons. When I received the second set of waffle irons back, I shipped another set of pie irons to what I thought was the second customer. WRONG! I was the one that processed the pie irons and it turns out I sent them to the FIRST guy once again! He called me today to tell me that he received another e-mail from UPS that he was to receive another package, but that he didn't think he should. I double-checked, and sure enough, I sent them to the wrong guy! Sheesh!
I had to have UPS intercept that package and today, shipped out the pie irons to the right customer. I'll be really happy when all this is behind us! Here's a funny one . . . the other day, my 16 year old, Aaron, said something about his friends saying I have the "coolest truck in town."!!!! :D :D :D OK, so I don't necessarily need someone to tell me something I already know, it's still cool to hear from others, even if they're under 18 years old!!
I asked Aaron what he meant and he said that his friends had commented on what a great truck I have, and when one of them dropped him off at our store, even drove around to the back to show his brother my truck! :lol: When I asked Aaron what was so special about my truck, he said "well, you've got, like, the second biggest truck there is!" :D Truth be told, there are more than two trucks that are bigger than mine (only three), but I'm not going to push the issue! I think it's pretty cool that "Mickey's Mom" has the "coolest truck in town"! :D :D :DNow on to an irritating note and I'm going to jump on my soapbox!
Erica had a volleyball game at Spencer today. Last year, when they played at Spencer, her jersey was stolen from out of her backpack in the girls' locker room. We had to pay $15 to replace the jersey because the school did nothing when notified of the theft. THIS time, Erica's camera was taken out of her bag and somehow broken (the screen is broke and pictures cannot be seen or transferred to the computer). She had her camera tucked in between her jeans and inside her bag/backpack. When the games were done, she found her backpack messed up and the camera was at the bottom of her bag. She told the coach, but I don't think anything will come of it. I've already prepared a letter to the school principal with copies to the Abbotsford schools. I'm not sure it will do any good, but I have to do something. These girls are forced to share a locker room and locks are NOT supplied for the visiting teams. There is supposed to be a teacher "standing guard" outside the locker room, but if this is being done by the girls on a team, what good is that? They need to have a SECURE place to store their stuff. At most schools, they have separate locker rooms, so everything is secure. At Spencer, they have to share a locker room because the boys have football practice, so are using their locker rooms (that's what they use for opposing teams up here in the middle of nowhere). We'll have to wait and see what happens. I can only hope that they will do the right thing, but am not holding my breath! I didn't get done the work I had planned on today, but I should have extra time tomorrow, unless something blows up! Until then . . .Godspeed,Jule
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