Not much has really happened in the last few weeks. The most disturbing is that our beloved goat, Blueberry died.
The only thing we can figure is that it was bloat. We're still new to goats and as with most folks, figure they can eat anything. Not true. The greens that we were getting from the grocery store were most likely the cause. I've beaten myself up over and over again over this and can only offer that we've learned lessons with Blueberry and the other three goats will have a happy and healthy life with us. Blueberry will forever be in our hearts.
Dan and Deb came to visit us for a week in October. It was lovely to have them visit and I hope they were able to relax a bit and not worry about their motorhome. They left with a LOT of stuff from the store! More than I think even they anticipated! :D
After Dan and Deb left, we went to the annual Wisconsin Fall Rally at Indian Trails Campground in Pardeeville, WI. Because it was homecoming weekend, and Erica's on the Flag Brigade at the high school, I left on Thursday with Aaron and Abby. Greg and Erica drove down Friday after the halftime show at the Homecoming game. This was the first time I actually drove the 5er without another adult present, and I was a tad nervous, but everything went just fine! I had beautiful weather to drive in and had absolutely no problems on the road.
Our friends were very helpful when it came time to get into our site! They had it all laid out for me:
I had to continue my tradition of NEVER backing into a site at a Wisconsin rally, and we managed to do just that! It was nice to be pulled into the site, because that way our awning and door were facing the large group campfire. All our friends helped me to get into the site and get level and otherwise situated. Aaron is a BIG help and also helped to get everything done and get me unhitched. All in all, it was a GREAT time with GREAT friends! It was sad that it was our last outing of the year, but the weather was beautiful, the campfire warm, and lots of liquid refreshments were flowing! The kids had a great time too, seeing all their old friends. It's so great that the kids all get along as well as the adults!
Of course, I did almost all my cooking outside in the Dutch ovens! We brought the propane burner along and I don't think I'll ever be without it! I absolutely LOVE it for cooking outside!
It makes everything so much easier! I even use it to light my charcoal for the top of the Dutch oven -- a truck I learned from Cee Dub!
That's about it for now.
Now that November is here, we're open again on weekends. It was nice to have the time off and get work done at home, but duty calls!
Happy Trails!
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