The chicken coop was still standing when we woke up and there was no smoke coming from it, so we did a good job making sure there was nothing more smoldering in there. Whew! All the chickens and Quagmire (the duck) are still alive, so it looks like we dodged a BIG bullet there! Again, whew! I need one of those smileys that wipes the sweat from your brow! The goats also seem to be fine today. We'll probably never know what happened to Spud. I'm still quite sad when I think about it, and can't really even talk about it.
There's a couple of GOOD things today! We are NOT part of the area that got the HUGE winter storm today! That all stayed well south of us . . . in fact, if we were still at our old house in Sturtevant, we'd have gotten nailed! Both my sisters live in Racine, and they got SLAMMED today! Wahoo! Glad it wasn't us!
I was supposed to have a delivery truck at the store today with all the great stuff I ordered from Camp Chef at our show last month, but of course, the distributor is in Milwaukee! You guessed it, with all that snow, none of their trucks went anywhere and we'll have to wait until next week to get all that great stuff in the store. At least I'll be prepared for it and can make sure that Greg is there to help unload all the CAST IRON that's coming! Ya know, that stuff's HEAVY!
The other good news . . . actually, the BEST piece of news is that something we've been working on since the beginning of January is finally DONE and ready to be unveiled to the world! Yup, our new website, Dutch Oven is DONE! We've done a LOT of work on it and have a lot of FABULOUS information on that site. Information on outdoor cooking -- everything from Dutch oven cooking to Pie Iron Cooking -- can be found there! We also have a FABULOUS cookbook filled with Dutch oven recipes, foil recipes and pie iron recipes. It's a FABULOUS addition to RVing Outpost and we look forward to helping folks learn about this fabulous way to cook and enjoy the great outdoors!
I had to take Abby to the doctor today for a checkup on her "exercise induced asthma" and because Erica is still sick (did I mention that yesterday?) and may have the flu, they suggested a flu shot as folks with asthma tend to have bronchial problems if they get the flu. Abby was NOT happy with me for agreeing to the shot! We tried to convince her that it was to keep her healthy, but she was having none of it . . . she got the shot, though, and it was done before she even realized it!
If Erica's still sick tomorrow, we'll head over to the doctor to find out if it's for sure the flu. They say they can give her some meds if it is the flu, so we'll have to see. The doctor also said that if she DOES have the flu, they can give all of US meds to take to prevent US from getting the flu from her. That's cool! Goodness knows, I have way too much on my plate to be able to take time off to be sick! If I'm going to take time off, it's not going to be for the flu!
That's about it for today. It's great to have a nice, "normal" day around here!
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone that was in the path of yesterday's tornadoes.
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