We were supposed to get a lot of snow, they were talking anywhere from 3 to 12 inches. We had all kinds of warnings, etc. yesterday for overnight and today. I woke up at 6 and turned on the TV, well, we got about 5-6 inches up here, so no big deal and the kids had to go to school. South of us, of course, they got a lot more!
Unfortunately, that was the end of "normal." Aaron went out to take care of the goats. We only had two left -- when I mentioned in a previous entry that we had "lost" Spud, that was my gentle way of saying that she had died. I apologize if I misled anyone. Well, we're now down to one goat. Rudy died overnight. Bambi is the only one left.
We're going to stick to poultry from now on. The chickens and geese are doing fine and we've had no further incidents with them. Maybe it's for the best. I just don't know anymore.
Aaron had to leave for school, so we'll talk more about everything tonight and try and figure it all out. Unfortunately, Aaron wasn't able to leave! Remember that snow I mentioned above? Yep, you guessed it, his car was STUCK. I woke Greg up to go and help him, called the school to tell them that he'd be late and then jumped in the shower. When I got out of the shower, Aaron came upstairs and told me that he was probably going to be home all day. What? Why? you're still stuck? My thought was that I'd pull him out with my truck (I've had to do that for Greg in the past, so no big deal). Apparently, Greg had already thought of that though, and he managed to end up getting MY TRUCK STUCK AS WELL!
OK, time to get out there. As I'm putting my boots on, Greg is walking across to the neighbors (you know, the ones that plowed out so we could get our septic tank emptied). I'm looking at my truck in the driveway, thinking, geez, my tires were buried a LOT more than that when I spun out and hit the snowbank. Hmmmmmmmm I'm also noticing that there are no ruts in the snow behind the front tires . . . do you see where this is going? I open the door of my truck and gee whiz . . . it's NOT EVEN IN 4 WHEEL DRIVE!
Aaron rocked his car back and forth a little bit and was able to get out of where he had been stuck and he left for school, with me hollering at him to drive CAREFULLY! I had already called the school, so he didn't have to rush to get there.
Greg walked back over and said "what'd you do? How'd you get it out?" Uhm, dear . . . I put it in FOUR WHEEL DRIVE.
OK, to his credit, and as he told me, his car is "all wheel drive" so there's no buttons to push. He doesn't drive my truck very much and never even thought about putting it in four wheel drive. Still, I thought it was pretty damned funny! He went back to the neighbors to tell them we're fine and don't need any help. I'm sure they're wondering about us these days! We always seemed so "normal" until this past winter!
So, I'm now at the store, didn't wipe out or anything on the way, the kids are safely in school, and Greg is at home, hopefully sleeping. I'm REALLY hoping that things will be "normal" whatever that is, for the rest of the day!
Hope you all have a "normal" day!
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