Sunday, September 1, 2024

Boogie & the YoYoz!

Seeing as I've just restarted this blog, there's lots I have to say, so things are going to be a bit out of order.  I'll post as I remember things that have happened, or things I have done. 

Earlier this summer, I was introduced to a local band named Boogie & The Yo-Yoz.   Apparently, they've been around for 20 years.  I must have had my head in the sand, because I never heard of them!   I've seen them five times this year and plan on seeing them just as much next year!   

They play mostly 80's music (my favorite!), but also some country and 90's and current music.  They are so much fun to watch, as their show is incredibly energetic!  I've seen them at the Tiki Bar in Mosinee (2x), at Dorchester Days with Abby and Jessica, at Spencerama and at the Loyal Cornfest this year.   Abby was with me for Spencerama and Cornfest and Aaron's mother-in-law, Ann was with me for Cornfest as well.  My friend, Jessica, was also with us at Spencerama. The first time at the Tiki, I was there with Johnny and Annie and really didn't watch them too much.  The second time at the Tiki, just last night, I went by myself and had a great time!   I figured why not?  I had two choices:  stay home and drink alone, or go out and drink with a bunch of strangers and have fun!   The only problem last night was that the bar ran out of Seagram's 7!  The horror!   I had my last drink made with a rail brand called Kessler, and it was just nasty!  The bartender even laughed when I took a sip and told him how awful it was!  I must say, I wasn't completely disappointed when I ended up accidentally dropping it when it was still 1/4 full!  Ha, ha! 

I had a hard time at Spencerama when they began singing Total Eclipse of the Heart.  It just got to me.  One thing about grief -- you never know when it's going to punch you in the gut.  So, I was standing there next to Jessica, with Abby in front with some of her friends.  I suddenly had tears pouring down my face as I stood there listening.  Unbeknownst to me, Jessica saw and was surreptitiously kicking Abby to get her attention.  Abby turned around and was horrified to see me bawling.  She asked what was wrong.  All I could say was that I missed Greg and Aaron and couldn't stop bawling.  Abby and Jessica immediately hugged me and then got all her friends to hug me until the song was over.  When they sang the same song at Dorchester Days, I walked to the bar to get a drink, so I didn't have to listen to it.  When Ann and I were at Corn Fest with Abby (and a bunch of her friends), when they began to play that song, Abby got all her friends to rally around me and hug me!  We're talking like 10-15 friends of hers, including guys!  Every one of them holding onto me and holding me up.  The love I felt was truly incredible.  When they sang it last night at the Tiki, I went to the bar and got a drink so I didn't have to listen.  

I won't be able to see them again until next summer, but I'm already planning  it!  Just so you can see how good they are, here's a compilation of pictures and videos from their concerts.  Enjoy!  

Paige is their female lead singer and is married to the drummer, Kevin.  Lorenzo is the male lead singer (such a hottie!).  The two horn players are both music teachers, which explains why they can play so many instruments.  (I giggle when I think about what his students must think if they ever came to watch him!).  Dave is on bass guitar and is one of the founding members.  Eric is lead guitar and started the band 20 years ago.  On keyboards is Mike.  Every member of this band is simply incredible!  Yes, I'm hooked and appear to have turned into somewhat of a groupie!  Enjoy the compilation of pictures and videos. 


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