Sunday, September 1, 2024

I'm back!

I stopped writing in my blog almost three years ago for only one reason.  I didn't want my scum sucking sisters (hereinafter SSS, followed by the first initial of their first name, just to differentiate) to know what was happening in my life.  Recent events have made me realize that I don't give a flying fig whether they know or not.   As anyone who knows me already knows, my husband passed away on October 26, 2021.  Unfortunately, tragedy struck our family on March 19, 2024, when my son, Aaron, passed away from a medical incident at the age of 32.  

I hadn't talked to either of the SSS in years.  I have not communicated with either of them in any fashion for years.  I want nothing to do with either of them.  Apparently, the death of my son triggered something in the SSS-M, as the night of Aaron's visitation, she sent me a nasty email around midnight (it was a Friday night).  She works second shift, so that tells me that she was good and drunk by the time she sent the email.  I was appalled when I woke up the morning of my son's funeral to see that nasty email.  

I ignored the email, as I had more important things on my mind, and I wasn't about to let the SSS-M have any time in my head.   Four months later, again on a Friday night around midnight (read:  good and drunk again), I receive not one, but TWO nasty emails from her.  Of course, they are full of lies she has made up over the last 20 years and has repeated to herself so often and for so long that she now believes them to be true.  Oh, and they're full of new lies, too as she has no idea what life is like for me and just assumes whatever she wants to assume to make herself feel better.  

She has accused me of stealing so many times, it's laughable.  Apparently, I stole from the church we belonged to, but won't tell me how I managed that and apparently, I stole Greg's family's inheritance when his mom and dad died, but again won't tell me how I did that.  When Greg's company had a fundraiser for him when he was going through his bone marrow transplant, we had talked about putting in a pool for the kids.  How dare we even think about giving our children something to make their lives a little better, considering their father had been sick all their lives.  According to the SSS-M, that was "thievery" and how dare we even think about a pool for the children.  

This is a person who for many years, I thought was my best friend.  Many times, in her nasty emails, she has brought up the fact that when I was 19, I went to counseling, in part, because of the nasty things she said to me when we were growing up.  Since when is taking care of my mental health a bad thing?  Not only that, but I confided in her one time that when I was 9 years old and we went to the Grand Canyon, I seriously considered suicide, by throwing myself over the edge.  She actually told me that I "should have finished the job."  THAT is the kind of evil that is the SSS-M.   She brought this up again in her latest email.  This was FIFTY YEARS AGO!  Seriously.  I'm 59 years old now.  And she seems to think she has some sort of upper hand by constantly bringing that up.  Fortunately for me, I took care of my mental health.  She can't hurt me.  She's just evil (and usually drunk).  

She makes up lies in an effort to make herself feel better about whatever pathetic, drunken life she has going on with a husband that she hates (at least she hated him the last time my brother talked to her 15 years ago, but I wouldn't dream to presume.)  What's really funny is that her youngest son has spent time in prison and was busted because he was caught stealing from the neighbor's garage!  About 14 years ago, this same son also stole two rings worth at least $3,000 from my mother's purse, presumably to buy drugs (he was a heroin addict), when she was staying at the SSS-M's house for a visit.  And, even better, her husband lost the only full-time job he ever had at the only company he ever worked for because he was -- get this -- stealing pallets!!!!  He worked for that company for probably over 30 years and was fired for stealing pallets!  But yet she calls me a thief and refuses to explain how I stole anything.  

Finally, the sick demented SSS-M told me that the deaths of my husband and son were because I am such an evil person and I got what I deserved.  That right there proves how evil and disgusting she has become.  

I don't know why she is suddenly sending me these horrifying emails.  I have completely ignored her, and given her no reason to contact me, but apparently, she has "Julie Derangement Syndrome" and can't get me out of her head.  She doesn't seem to understand that in order for her words to have absolutely any effect on me, I have to actually care about what she has to say. 

For anyone that's wondering about the SSS-L, she completely ignored Greg and Aaron's deaths.  Her daughter ignored them as well.  Her son, however, actually defied his mother's edict (to have nothing to do with us), and sent flowers to Aaron's funeral. 

Writing is cathartic for me, and that's why I want to get this blog going again, the SSS be damned!  The name remains the same, because you still never know what's going to happen here.  Some good, some bad, some horrifyingly awful, but I am still here, fighting for each and every breath I take.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't cry for my amazing son, but I am not able to alter God's plan.  I don't know why He chose to take Aaron from us at such a young age, and I never will.  I am learning to live with it, but it will never be easy and life will never be the same.  As stated in his eulogy, Aaron was a light in a very dark world.  

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