Saturday, May 13, 2017

Don't ignore me and expect me to care about your problems!

I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here.  Since Greg was diagnosed, there have been lots of people who have been very supportive, and lots of people who have said absolutely nothing.  I get that some folks don't know what to say, so I don't mind if they don't say anything.

I also get that everyone has their own problems.  In the past, I've had friends not want to talk to me about problems they may be having, because they feel they seem small in comparison to mine.  Well, guess what?  That's just wrong!  I understand that everyone has their own problems, and although mine might seem bigger, their problems are big to them, and if they are important to my friends, they are important to me!  I WANT to hear what's going on in your lives.

Now, here's the rant.  If you don't say a single word to me about what's going on in MY life, especially when it's something like what we've been going through, then you really have a LOT OF FLIPPIN' NERVE to come to me and expect me to commiserate about YOUR work problems!   You don't care enough to say a damned thing to me, but I'm supposed to feel bad about you not getting along with your coworkers, or not getting the recognition you think you deserve?  Seriously?  GO AWAY!  This is one of the reasons I totally LOVE working from home!  No more office drama.  No more bullshit!  

OK, rant over.  I feel better now.   Thankyou.  Thankyouverymuch (said in my best Elvis voice!).

Greg came to me this morning to show me his arm, where his PICC line is located.  Sorry, it's not very pretty!

Of course, I started to panic at the amount of bruising, but Greg was calm, cool and collected.  I wanted him to call the doctor's office right away, but instead we sent the picture to our Nurse Case Manager.  Greg had labs done yesterday, so we knew his platelet count was OK, so Jeanne wasn't overly concerned.  Greg had radiation at 2:30 today, so that was soon enough.  The bruising was going down by the time he went for radiation and the nurses were not overly concerned either.  The bruising is continuing to go down, so I guess it's all OK.  We'll just have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get any worse.

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