Tuesday, May 9, 2017


I have to start this post with this statement:  THANK GOODNESS WE HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE!  I've been keeping a close eye on Greg's claims since his diagnosis with esophageal cancer and boy, oh, boy, this is some expensive stuff!  

Last year, his medical bills totaled about $29,000 (including pharmacy).  That's not too bad considering he has permanent nerve damage from shingles (lots of meds for that), a pacemaker/defibrillator for congestive heart failure and of course, his history of cancer.   

We have my insurance through United HealthCare (my employer), and he has Medicare Part B.  He had enough issues that when he became eligible for Part B, we knew we had to get it.  Having Medicare Part B has made a huge difference for us and even though we have to pay for it, it has saved us quite a bit of money.  My insurance is primary and whatever mine doesn't cover, Medicare does.  Pretty awesome having that double coverage, especially when I tell you how much stuff is costing!  

So far this year, Greg's medical bills total $88,000.  The bulk of that is from March 1st to May 1st.   The day he saw the radiation oncologist, got his tattoos and had his "mask" made came to a total of $22,000!   I don't know about you, but that seems like a boatload of money to me!   

I called the hospital this morning because I had some questions on his bills.  I've been waiting for the chemo and radiation bills to hit my insurance, as I'm really curious as to how much that's going to cost.  I'm really kind of obsessed about how much all this is costing, probably because I know insurance is going to cover it all.   

Sooooooooooooooo, I found out the cost for radiation!  Aren't you excited by that?  I know I was!   Ha!  Let's start with this . . . I am once again going to be married to the Million Dollar Man!   His radiation treatments cost $23,000 EACH!  At 5 x week, that comes to $115,000 per week, and a total of $805,000.  That's $4,600 per MINUTE or $76.66 per SECOND!    Those numbers just boggle my mind!     

His chemotherapy, on the other hand, appears to be rather inexpensive, at only $7,500.  He'll have four treatments, so we're only talking about a measly $30,000.   I'm sure, with all the other appointments he's going to have, and all the additional CT scans, and other stuff they'll want to do, that number is going to rise significantly.  

Aside from that, I had a great day today.  I started working at 6:15 a.m. and continued until 5:30.  Greg hasn't been able to work much, and money is getting very tight, so I need to take all the overtime I can get.   It's so nice working in my home office.  The cats are also enjoying my home office.  Because it's in the lower level, the window is at ground level.  The cats love to sit ono the shelf and watch the little sparrows.  I threw some bird seed out in front of the window to entice the birds and it has worked marvelously!   It seems we also have a little mouse that is enjoying the bird seed, and is driving the cats absolutely crazy!   

Greg had his dressing changed on his PICC line yesterday and had the nurse take a picture for me! Wasn't that sweet!   Ha, ha, ha!   So, of course, I'm going to share with you!  That's just the kind of wonderful person I am, you know.  

So, that's about all for today.  Hope everyone has a great evening!  

Blessings to all! 


If anyone wants to help:  Greg's GoFundMe

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