Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It's been a few interesting days here.   To start with, I'll let everyone know that I'm doing fine.  My back and neck are still a little sore, but they're getting better.  I really only notice it when I have to do some heavy lifting at the store.  I'm still considering a chiropractor, but, frankly, I don't have time, and like i said, it's not so bad.  If it doesn't get better, I'll be sure to go in and see someone.

On to more important things -- My baby is going to be done tomorrow!   I can't wait to get my truck back!  Unfortunately, we have to wait until Friday to pick it up, as our schedules just aren't working right to pick it up tomorrow.   I will be VERY happy to have it back.  

I drove mom's Blazer to the store on Monday, and I must say, I wasn't very happy with it.  Obviously, I'm a tad nervous about driving now, and especially when it's below freezing outside.   I'm sure it's just because I'm not used to it, but mom's Blazer just seemed kind of "squirrelly."  That's really the only word I can come up with to describe how it handles.  It just seems to have a lot more play in it than my truck, and seemed to "move around" on the road a lot more.  It always felt like it was going to start spinning . . . and that's the LAST thing I needed!  Tuesday night, I called Greg at work and asked him if I could PLEASE take his Santa Fe and he could drive the Blazer.  He knows I don't like his Santa Fe, so I'm sure he knew I was REALLY uncomfortable with mom's.  Of course, he said no problem, and he's been driving the Blazer ever since.   His Santa Fe is all wheel drive, so I do feel secure driving it.  Plus, it's not anywhere near as tall as my truck or the Blazer, so it doesn't get rocked by the wind as much as my truck or the Blazer.  

Tuesday brought in the storm that had been predicted for almost a week.  We only got about 4 inches of snow, but from the winds that were 25-35 mph (sustained) and gusts up to 45 mph, it was NOT a good day!   The day started out with our high temperature of 30-some degrees and rapidly dropped as the storm front approached.   We thought for sure school would be canceled, as wind chills were expected to get well below zero.  Nope, school was not canceled, even though schools all around us were closed.   Finally about 11 a.m., I saw on the local TV website that Abbotsford closed their schools and would be letting the kids go at 12:30.  

I ended up closing the store at 3:30, after the UPS man came to pick up that day's orders.   The winds were horrible on Highway 29 and visibility was only about 1/4 mile.  There was a LOT of blowing and drifting as that part of 29 is ALL farm fields on either side, so lots of open space.  I was driving much slower than most folks, as the roads weren't good, and of course, I'm still a tad gunshy . . . BUT, I made it home safe and sound!   Every time I drive back and forth in this weather I rebuild my confidence a bit.  

The news was already reporting closings for today on Tuesday night.  They were predicting temps of 17 below zero and more, and wind chills of -35 to -45.   At 9 p.m., when they hadn't listed Abbotsford yet, I told the kids that they were NOT going to school, no matter what.   There was no way I was going to have them outside waiting for the bus in those temps if they were dumb enough to have school open.   So, I told the kids not to even bother setting their alarms, and that I wasn't either.  I probably wasn't going to go to work due to the weather.    

I was quite worried about the animals outside, though.   There's not much we can do for them when the temps get this low.   I told Aaron that he had to go out to the chicken coop and add more straw, etc., to help keep them warm.   We've had chickens get frostbite on their feet in the past, and I don't want a repeat of that.  His words to me where "mom, all the straw in the world isn't going to help if they're too STUPID to sit on their legs!"   OK, so he's got a point . . .  Still, I was worried, as we always end up losing one or two when temps get this cold in the winter.  Fortunately, we didn't lose any last night, but we did lose one a couple weeks ago.  Not sure why . . .  We also may have one roo with frostbite on his feet, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.   The geese stay outside all year round, and I was concerned about them, too, with all the blowing and drifting.   They managed to find a spot that was out of the wind, behind our house.  We always get a big drift back there (out the living room window), and there's a space of about 2-1/2 feet with little or no snow between the house and where the drift forms.   The dryer vent is also back there, and they've learned that there is some nice warm air coming from that vent!  I checked out the window this morning and they were all tucked into themselves staying nice and cozy!  So, it appears that everyone made it through the cold.   Tonight's going to be cold, too, but not as bad as last night.  I think it's only supposed to be about 30 below!  

Hope everyone's surviving the cold!


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