When we left on Sunday, we stopped at my parents' house to drop off Maddie. Mom and dad have taken her in for the last couple of years, rather than us having to kennel her. Maddie's a good girl, but she misses us when we're gone, and spent most of the time with my parents following my mother around and staring at her! Mom couldn't even sit on the couch without Maddie right there and watching her! It was a bit frustrating for mom, but she managed. They have the world's most spoiled basset hound, Bentley, so they have no problem with dogs. It's just that Maddie has "separation anxiety" and gets a touch goofy when she's not with us.
The weather was not great for driving, as we had a LOT of fog. Visibility was about 1/4 of a mile. It wouldn't have been too bad, if only people had actually TURNED ON THEIR LIGHTS! I am absolutely amazed at the number of complete and total IDIOTS out on the road who didn't have their lights on! If you're one of the folks who think that they're daytime running lights are enough, YOU'RE AN IDIOT! DRL only turn on HEADLIGHTS. You have NO taillights, which is what you NEED even more so when driving in fog! If you haven't bothered to turn on your lights, I can't see your back end in the pea soup fog we've been having here until I'm darn near on top of you! Please, people, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS when it's foggy outside! It can not only save YOUR life, but the lives of others, as well!
We started out on Sunday with everyone going to the water park. The kids spent almost all their time there, and Greg and I managed to find some time to head to the park as well. We had a blast going down the "Master Blaster" water slide! OMG! Two adults on that should NOT be allowed! We SOARED down that slide, around corners, etc. When we came to the bottom, the raft we were on (kind of like a blow-up boat) actually slammed into the wall! OMG! It was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, back to the show. We had a GREAT time and did a LOT of buying. We'll be getting a bunch of new items at the store in the coming months and already have some of them on-line at http://www.rvingoutpost.com.
One of the really fun things that was completely new was "casino night" at the show. No, we didn't all board a bus for the local casino, they brought the casino to us!
Welllllllllll, when I walked into the "casino," Aaron called me over to the craps table. He couldn't play because he's not 18, but he had been watching for about 15 minutes. He told me what to do, based on what a couple of the other players were doing. It worked out quite well! After two hours, when the gambling was all over, I had turned that $3,000 into $10,500! That meant was had SEVEN raffle tickets for the prizes, instead of two.
What a hoot the casino night was! I even got to shake the dice, and actually made quite a bit of "money" for folks at the table! Many of us at our table were learners, so when a "real" gambler was rolling the dice and we didn't respond to a good roll, he gave us some "crap" about it. I told him next time, he has to tell us so we know when to cheer!
All in all, it was a lot of fun, but also a LOT of work. We did a lot of buying, and that takes time and research to get it all done. We're learning though, and this trade show was a tad easier than past shows.
I'm looking forward to getting all the new products in the store!
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