Because of the warm weather and the amount of snow on the ground, we had a LOT of fog. Visibility was about 1/4 of a mile most of the time we were on I-39. Once we got off the interstate onto County Highway 23, it was WORSE! Once again, we had to endure occasional white-out conditions, only this time from the fog.
Of course, there were a TON of idiots out there without their lights on! What a bunch of MORONS! I flashed my lights at many of them, but even then, they didn't bother to turn them on! I guess folks don't just understand that it's not for THEM to be able to see, but for other cars to see THEM!
It's because of those kinds of idiots that there was a HUGE accident just south of where we are.
[quote]Posted Sunday, January 6, 2008 --- Updated at 9:50pm
- Interstate I39/I90 remains closed from the Beltline south to County Highway N. Investigators hope to have it re-opened by the morning commute.
- Two separate crashes were reported at about 2:30 Sunday afternoon in a Three-mile stretch between the Beltline and Highway "N".
- Two people are now confirmed dead.
- At last three people have suffered life-threatening injuries.
- Officers at the scene describe it as a "war-zone."
- Earlier, UW Hospital was in "Emergency Mode" due to this crash. St. Mary's Hospital had instituted its Disaster Plan. At last check, UW Hospital treated 8 patients, St. Mary's Hospital treated between 20 and 25 people. Meriter Hospital treated 11 patients.
-Eleven people were transported to Stoughton Hospital. Three will stay the night. Stoughton Hospital implemented its disaster plan and called in 40 extra staff including physicians, nurses, a surgical team and various ancillary staff.
- The Salvation Army Canteen is at the scene, assisting victims.
- The Red Cross has set-up an operation at the Wingate Hotel. As of 7:45pm, they have already assisted more than 50-people.
- Earlier, a Metro Bus was on the scene to keep crash victims warm.
If you have pictures from the scene, e-mail them to NBC15 at
Stay tuned to NBC-15 and for more information as it becomes available.
NBC15 Reporter Erin Koskovich filed this report from the scene:
Julia Wagner avoided hitting another car but got out to see the crash scene for herself. "There was a huge amount of fog and everyone in front of us just stopped short and we didn't even see it. And then we just slammed on the brakes and pulled into the shoulder here and luckily we didn't hit anyone, a lot of people did" said Wagner.
Mother Nature wasn't kind to travelers: patchy areas of thick fog caused drivers to slam on their brakes.
"All the sudden it was white out conditions. It got horrible. A split second after that all I saw were red lights from the car stopped in front of me" said Sam Hillier.
As traffic came to a stand still, cars and semis started piling-up on the interstate, the medians, and the ditches.
"When I got out I looked behind me and two semi trucks were basically barreling down the road taking out the cars in front of them" said Hillier.
"Next thing you know we just got caught up in it. Seeing the semi behind us hit the Trailblazer behind us and then they hit us and our window busted out" said Christopher Nawrot.
It's a scene of mass chaos, with multiple accidents, multiple injuries, and many people wandering the interstate on foot.
"It was just horrible. People's cars were flipped over and had to be pried out. It was bad" said Hillier.
"There's a couple people they pulled out from the car in front of us. In front of that semi, they actually had to pull a kid out of there" said Nawrot.
"We saw a woman who was bleeding and shaking and a firefighter was holding her child" said Wagner.
While crews worked to save lives, the cars backed-up and victims did anything they could to keep even the littlest of their family members alive and search for answers.
"It was pretty much so quick it was hard to tell exactly what went on" said Nawrot.
"A bunch of us were talking and after we came down off the initial high of the accident... a bunch of us we pretty happy to just be okay and not hurt" said Hillier.
From the Associated Press - Posted Sunday at 8:22pm
MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Two people are dead after dozens of cars were involved in two separate pileups this afternoon on a foggy stretch of highway just east of Madison.
The Wisconsin State Patrol shut down Interstate 90 in both directions, causing a traffic backup for miles.
Flares lining the interstate's lanes cut through the fog as traffic crawled north of the accident sites. Visibility was about 100 yards. Squad cars and tow trucks streamed toward the accidents as law enforcement agents directed drivers off the interstate.
The identities of the two people killed have not been released.
The Red Cross has set up a hotline so people can call in to check on their family members. That number is 608-233-9300.
Many of the people involved in the crashes are being taken to area hotels so authorities can assess them.
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz released the following statement related to today's traffic injuries:
"Today's accidents were a terrible tragedy, and our thoughts are with the victims and their families," said Mayor Cieslewicz. "I am grateful for the bravery and professionalism of our first responders and other city workers who answered the call to help those in need."
Statement from the Dane Co. Emergency Management:
(Posted 7:55pm Sunday)
The multi-car accident that included approximately 35 vehicles has resulted in a reported 50 persons being transported to local hospitals.
Individual wishing to inquire about the well-being of family members believed to be involved in the crash are urged to contact the American Red Cross at 233-9300.
The interstate from the intersection of US Highways 12-18 south to Highway N remains closed until further notice while crews continue to remove debris and clean-up the crash scene.
Statement from the Badger Chapter American Red Cross:
(Posted 7:00pm Sunday)
The local American Red Cross Badger Chapter responded at approximately 6:00 p.m. Sunday to assist victims and family members in a multiple car pile-up on the Interstate on the east side of Madison. Victims who are not injured have been transported by bus to the Wingate Hotel where food and other assistance will be provided by Badger Chapter volunteers. An Emergency Response Vehicle has been dispatched from the Badger Chapter to the hotel. Disaster mental health workers are on call to assist victims if needed.
The Dane County Emergency Operations Center has been activated and the Red Cross will assist by opening a phone line for inquiries about possible victims involved in the accidents. Inquires will be directed to the Badger Chapter office number where the calls will be answered by volunteers. The number to call is: 608-233-9300.[/quote]
Link: -- There's video at the link, if anyone's interested.
Tomorrow, the kids will spend the day in the water park, while we walk around and talk to vendors and see what we need and can't live without in the store for the coming season. It's always fun, and with this being our third year at the show, we feel very comfortable talking to the vendors and are coming to know many of them, and many of the other dealers.
I'll try and post again tomorrow about some of the new items we discovered!
Hope everyone stays safe out there!
Hope everyone stays safe out there!
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