You never know WHAT'S going to happen in the Mik Family! Follow along as they cope with three growing children, a boatload of animals and of course, living in the middle of nowhere!
Last week I posted a fairly dark entry. I was in a bad place and just couldn't get out of it. I needed the release that blogging gives me, so I let everyone know just how awful things can be for a caregiver, a wife, a mom, in short, a human being dealing with cancer for the third time. And you all responded to me in such a beautiful fashion. You really helped me to be able to get through that very dark day. I hope to never have one like that again! I am much, much better now and am once again, the happy, loving, caring Julie that you all have grown to know and love! Ha, ha! I'm guessing that some of the people that read my blog are reading it because they are happy to know about all the challenges we have had to face. But you know what? I don't care! I have the Lord on my side. He is here, holding my hand, and speaking life into my heart. He has been with us every step of the way, from almost losing our house to foreclosure, to having to file for bankruptcy when our business failed to losing our 5th wheel instead (that paid our mortgage for almost a year!), to Greg's 1st bout with cancer, his second bout with cancer and bone marrow transplant, and now his third bout with cancer! Yes, He is here, and He is wonderful! All the glory is His!
Every so often, I think about my current job that provides us with health insurance at a cost that is much less than what most people pay. I had temped for this company back when we first had the idea to open our store. If I had actually applied for a job there and never opened our store, we would certainly be much further ahead financially than we are now, but I ignored that little voice. It seems that, like with Jonah, God chased me down and turned me around and got me back to where he wanted me in the first place! Unlike with Jonah, it took me over 10 years to get where He wanted me to be to begin with. Obviously, He knew what was coming down the pike, and knew that we were going to need health insurance!
I know you all know the story of Jonah and the whale, but do you know why he was swallowed by that whale? It's because God told him to go to Nineveh, and he refused, instead, running away in the opposite direction to Tarshish. It was because of his disobedience to God that he ended up in the belly of that whale. God kept him alive in that belly for three days and three nights and when he was spit out on the shore, God again commanded him to go to Nineveh. And, lo and behold, Jonah listened the second time! (I would imagine being stuck in the belly of a whale for three days and three nights was enough to get him to listen to God!) Read the Book of Jonah, and you will understand what I am trying to say. It's so much more than a man and a whale. I'm not saying that I'm anything like Jonah, but you need to understand that God wants us to be where He wants us to be. And we don't always listen. One way or another, you WILL end up where He wants you to be. Whether that's in the belly of a whale, or struggling to find a job to be able to pay your mortgage and provide health insurance for your family. He will continue to correct you until you are where He wants you to be. You may not understand, but all will be clear one day, when you are face to face with Him.
OK, so, on Monday, Greg got a phone call from someone who said he had spoken to his father and wanted to come and try to get our lawn equipment started. We had three things that wouldn't start after winter, and we really needed them to be able to get our yard taken care of. We have a pressure washer, a push mower and a walk-behind trimmer and not one of them would start! The riding mower did, so we were able to get some of the yard cut, but with all the rain, we couldn't get it all done, either.
Anyway, so 20 minutes later, he showed up with his own tools and got to work. Mind you, this person is always talking about how he is not a "handy" kind of guy. We knew this, but he said he had his father on speed dial, and his father IS a handy kind of guy! So, he worked on them for about 2-1/2 hours, and Greg had to leave for radiation. Our helper ran into town to get some spark plugs and came back. I'm not sure what he all did, but he was able to get the push mower started! He was pretty pumped by that, so then went to work on the pressure washer and he was able to get that one started too! (Again, feeling very manly about this victory!) Next was my walk-behind trimmer which was a little trickier. Mind you, I just bought it last year, so it's not like it was old or anything, but it was it's first winter. After a call to his father, his dad knew exactly what to do, and lo and behold, the trimmer started! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, if you're wondering who this person was, it was our very own Pastor Will! Truth be told, he was not exactly at the top of our list of people to help us get these machines started! And before ya'all get all upset, HE is the one who is always saying he is not a "handy" kind of guy! Greg is not necessarily a "handy" kind of guy, either when it comes to a lot of stuff, so I'm not being rude here by any stretch of the imagination! I am much more mechanically inclined than Greg is, and that's OK. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Apparently, Greg's biggest strength is beating cancer! And I'm OK with that! But, Pastor Will is never allowed to say he is not a "handy" kind of guy ever again! We now know the truth!
Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that Pastor Will had to leave and said he'd be back to help get the grass cut. True to his word, he came back about an hour or so later, with a young man from church and they went to town cutting our lawn! Mind you, we have 2-1/4 acres, and just about all of it is grass and has to be cut. Pastor Will hopped on the riding mower and Rudy took over the push mower. Between the two of them, they got almost all the grass cut for us! We cannot thank them enough for all their help, and especially Pastor Will for getting our lawn equipment going! I was so excited that by the time he came back, I had already trimmed all the gigantic burdock that was overtaking our little wooded area that I was desperate to get to! I think he was a little surprised to come back and see me covered in grass and sweat in my work boots, bandana, shorts & t-shirt! It was not a pretty site, to be sure!! LOL
Here's Pastor Will on the riding mower. He stopped to chat with Greg at one point, and said that cutting our grass gave him a new appreciation for living in town. I believe his next words were "you have a lot of grass!"
Our push mower is a "mulching" mower, but we haven't used the bag since we moved up here. Rudy decided that it would be much faster to open the flap at the back, so he was covered in grass by the time he was done! You can see it all flying out the back, right at him! We couldn't convince him not to do that, and he said the grass was no big deal. He cut the whole front yard with that push mower! We are so appreciative of our church family! All the prayers and help they have given us has truly touched our hearts. I also received a beautiful basket of geraniums from Pastor Will's family (read: Pastor Jen!) and a beautiful card reminding me that God loves me and their family loves me, too! I needed that! Every time I look at this beautiful basket I am reminded of God's love for me.
May God's love inspire you and fill your heart with His goodness. Julie
It has begun. Greg can no longer eat. After three weeks of radiation, his throat is just too sore and it's too hard to swallow. They told us this was going to happen, but you never think it's really going to happen to you. He's been doing so well these last three weeks, I think we really thought he would continue to beat the odds and be able to eat throughout his treatment. This makes me so sad. One thing I love to do is cook. I'm an awesome cook, if I do say so myself! BUT, anyone who eats here will certainly agree with me! It's how I show love to my family and friends. I like nothing more than having my family tell me dinner was good! And now we're down to this for Greg.
That Osmolite 1.5 is what will be his "food" for the foreseeable future. I don't even know how I can cook anything and enjoy eating it knowing he can smell it and want to eat it, but just can't. That's is going to REALLY suck. At least when he had his transplant (bone marrow), during the week or so that he couldn't eat, he was too sick to want to eat, and he wasn't at home smelling everything I was cooking. Not so this time. How could that NOT suck? I try so hard to not complain and to be there for him, but I have to say, this time it's really affecting me, and I feel like a jerk for feeling bad because he can't eat my food. I mean, seriously. HE CAN'T FRIGGIN' EAT, and I'm whining about how it feels to me to not be able to cook for him. How pathetic is that? Really makes me feel like crap. I will never, even if I live to be 150 years old, come close to being as amazing as my husband is. Yes, he makes me crazy at times, and we've had our really bad moments, but oh my. I cannot believe his attitude when it comes to dealing with cancer. This is the THIRD time he's had cancer, and every time he totally amazes me! I guess that's our Lord in action, and I guess that I just need a smack upside the head by Him. Or, maybe this cancer WAS my smack upside my head -- to get me to appreciate the husband God gave me? I just don't know anymore. I. Just. Don't. Know. I'm in a bad place right now, and it's not just this. I don't know where to turn anymore. I know who is there for us and who is not. I know it's not very Christian, and I can't help it, but I will certainly remember who was there for us and who was not. It's amazing how many people are too afraid to actually follow-through with their promises. So, that's it. You know who you are. And if you see yourself here, maybe you should look at your heart. One day, things are not going to be all rosy for you and you will reap what you sow. The only difference is that I will still be there for you, even though you were not there for me. Blessings to all, Julie If you feel led to assist financially: Greg's GoFundMe
We were really hoping it wouldn't come to this. Greg has always been so strong when it comes to cancer treatments. He totally amazes me! It's been getting harder and harder to eat. He's had three weeks of radiation so far (15 days total), and it simply hurts to You know what it's like when you have strep, or some other kind of bad sore throat and you don't want to eat? Well, multiply that by 100 and you may have just the slightest glimpse of how Greg's throat feels.
He posted this on Facebook today: How bout an update from Mik Mission Control and progress @ the 1/3 marker of "Flight of the Phoenix" I just named that!!.........Stage 2 of 3 and where we are at!!..........We reached the decision to go with Straight Tube Feeding, or STF as I just decided to call it......Due to daily radiation treatments, I can no longer swallow nor desire to, knowing that I can't.........So for those who want to be in the know, there ya have it!!............Everything now goes down the Tube.........What fun can I have with this???..........One last note..........My last meal was Pizza......My first meal back will be Pizza!!........Thank you all so much for all your Prayers, Thoughts and Wishes.....These I share with others in need...........Circle of Hands......
So, there you go. That's the amazing attitude he has! I can't wait until the day I can post that he's eating pizza again!
We're working with the durable medical equipment company and the insurance company now to get the proper authorizations for the enteral feedings. Hopefully, that will go smoothly! If not, we have our awesome Nurse Case Manager who will work her magic to make sure that everything is taken care of. It's now been three weeks since I started telecommuting and I must say, I really DO love working from home! I was able to switch my shift to 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and it's really incredible to be done working at 2:30! I need to work on my scheduling though, as I still tend to take my lunch at noon, and then, suddenly, there's only two hours left in my day! It's just going to take some getting used to. I now set my alarm, just to make sure I wake up in time, and I'm still usually awake right around the time my alarm goes off at 5:30. Working from home has really been the best choice I could have made! I'm pretty sure that Greg is not going to be able to drive himself to his radiation for much longer, so hopefully we'll be able to get later appointments so I can take him when I'm done working. That would really work out great, as we wouldn't need to ask friends and family to help us out. But, we will just have to wait and see what happens. I'm not sure how many folks who read my blog know about our old barn that's been collapsing over the last year or so, but our silo recently collapsed, too. Because our neighbors have an easement through our yard to get to their fields, we had to find a way to move the silo, as it was blocking their access road. We were finally able to get that done last week, with some help from our awesome neighbors! I'm only going to post one picture here, and if you want to view the rest, you can view my album on Facebook. Even if you're not my Facebook friend, you can still click on this link: Facebook Silo Photo Album.
Oh, I forgot to mention Mother's Day! Aaron and Rachel were here for the weekend, and it was AWESOME to see them, as we haven't seen them since January. They had to leave by noon on Sunday, so we decided that we should all go out for breakfast. We went to a great restaurant in Wausau called The Blue Willow. They have awesome breakfasts! Erica was able to meet us, so for the first time since January, our whole family was together! It was just fabulous to have everyone together! Speaking of Mother's Day, I have to tell you what my awesome kids did for me! Erica bought me 12 personal training sessions at Snap Fitness, as I've been working on losing some weight before Aaron and Rachel's wedding. Aaron, Rachel and Abby got me the Food Dehydrator that I've been wanting and a boatload of spices, etc. to make jerky! So, what's the first thing we did? Why, make jerky, of course! Abby brought out two of her venison roasts and we were able to make a boatload of jerky!
I plan on doing a LOT more than making jerky, as I have some herbs already planted that I intend to dry. I also want to try some apple slices, potato slices, and all kinds of other stuff! It should be fun! So, that's about it for now. Nothing much else is going on right now. Hope you all are doing well! As always, prayers are appreciated! Julie If you feel led to help with Greg's gas and other expenses while he is unable to work, please see --> Greg's GoFundMe
I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here. Since Greg was diagnosed, there have been lots of people who have been very supportive, and lots of people who have said absolutely nothing. I get that some folks don't know what to say, so I don't mind if they don't say anything. I also get that everyone has their own problems. In the past, I've had friends not want to talk to me about problems they may be having, because they feel they seem small in comparison to mine. Well, guess what? That's just wrong! I understand that everyone has their own problems, and although mine might seem bigger, their problems are big to them, and if they are important to my friends, they are important to me! I WANT to hear what's going on in your lives. Now, here's the rant. If you don't say a single word to me about what's going on in MY life, especially when it's something like what we've been going through, then you really have a LOT OF FLIPPIN' NERVE to come to me and expect me to commiserate about YOUR work problems! You don't care enough to say a damned thing to me, but I'm supposed to feel bad about you not getting along with your coworkers, or not getting the recognition you think you deserve? Seriously? GO AWAY! This is one of the reasons I totally LOVE working from home! No more office drama. No more bullshit! OK, rant over. I feel better now. Thankyou. Thankyouverymuch (said in my best Elvis voice!). Greg came to me this morning to show me his arm, where his PICC line is located. Sorry, it's not very pretty!
Of course, I started to panic at the amount of bruising, but Greg was calm, cool and collected. I wanted him to call the doctor's office right away, but instead we sent the picture to our Nurse Case Manager. Greg had labs done yesterday, so we knew his platelet count was OK, so Jeanne wasn't overly concerned. Greg had radiation at 2:30 today, so that was soon enough. The bruising was going down by the time he went for radiation and the nurses were not overly concerned either. The bruising is continuing to go down, so I guess it's all OK. We'll just have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get any worse.
I've posted before about all the problems we've had with Greg's feeding tube, and they had not gotten better! After our trip to the ER because he was in so much pain and the doctor loosened the "retention ring" on the outside of his stomach, Greg had a LOT of oozing. And when I say a LOT, I mean a LOT! At first, he was changing the gauze pad around it a couple times a day. After the loosening, he was changing it 7 or 8 times a day! Any time he had the least bit of exertion, it would leak. And the nasty part was that it was stomach fluids/acids that were leaking out! Yes, that is YUCKY! Because of the oozing, he had to see the surgeon (Dr. McDreamy) again. He wasn't available for Greg to actually see, so while Greg was in the Cancer Center for his radiation, the nurse texted him pictures of Greg's feeding tube and the issues he was having and was able to talk to Dr. McDreamy to come up with some solutions. I think that's pretty cool! Unfortunately, it still didn't resolve Greg's problems! He was to see Dr. McDreamy again yesterday, but again, he was quite busy. Once again, they sent pics via text message. Dr. McDreamy then talked to Greg and walked him through how to tighten the retention ring He also gave him some special cream because he was starting to get a rash from the stomach acids that had been leaking out. Around 6 last night, Greg got a call from Dr. McDreamy, who was at his kid's soccer game! He had been thinking about Greg and wanted to know if he had been prescribed any antacids. We advised him that he had not, so he had us text him the pharmacy phone number and he called in a prescription for Greg and then texted me that it had been done! We were both very impressed that he would be at his kid's soccer game and call us to make sure Greg was being taken care of properly. Once again, Dr. McDreamy just proved what a great doctor he is, and what a great practice he is at. Since teaching Greg how to tighten the retention ring, Greg has felt better than ever, and there's been NO oozing! So, just like with Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the initial feeding tube was too tight. The adjustment was too loose, but the third time, it was JUST RIGHT! Ha! It's so nice to not have to worry about it any more and have it not only feeling good, but not oozing! Praise the Lord for answered prayers and caring doctors! Blessings to all! Julie If you feel led to help with Greg's fuel costs and loss of work, please check out Greg's Go Fund Me
I have to start this post with this statement: THANK GOODNESS WE HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE! I've been keeping a close eye on Greg's claims since his diagnosis with esophageal cancer and boy, oh, boy, this is some expensive stuff! Last year, his medical bills totaled about $29,000 (including pharmacy). That's not too bad considering he has permanent nerve damage from shingles (lots of meds for that), a pacemaker/defibrillator for congestive heart failure and of course, his history of cancer. We have my insurance through United HealthCare (my employer), and he has Medicare Part B. He had enough issues that when he became eligible for Part B, we knew we had to get it. Having Medicare Part B has made a huge difference for us and even though we have to pay for it, it has saved us quite a bit of money. My insurance is primary and whatever mine doesn't cover, Medicare does. Pretty awesome having that double coverage, especially when I tell you how much stuff is costing! So far this year, Greg's medical bills total $88,000. The bulk of that is from March 1st to May 1st. The day he saw the radiation oncologist, got his tattoos and had his "mask" made came to a total of $22,000! I don't know about you, but that seems like a boatload of money to me! I called the hospital this morning because I had some questions on his bills. I've been waiting for the chemo and radiation bills to hit my insurance, as I'm really curious as to how much that's going to cost. I'm really kind of obsessed about how much all this is costing, probably because I know insurance is going to cover it all. Sooooooooooooooo, I found out the cost for radiation! Aren't you excited by that? I know I was! Ha! Let's start with this . . . I am once again going to be married to the Million Dollar Man! His radiation treatments cost $23,000 EACH! At 5 x week, that comes to $115,000 per week, and a total of $805,000. That's $4,600 per MINUTE or $76.66 per SECOND! Those numbers just boggle my mind! His chemotherapy, on the other hand, appears to be rather inexpensive, at only $7,500. He'll have four treatments, so we're only talking about a measly $30,000. I'm sure, with all the other appointments he's going to have, and all the additional CT scans, and other stuff they'll want to do, that number is going to rise significantly. Aside from that, I had a great day today. I started working at 6:15 a.m. and continued until 5:30. Greg hasn't been able to work much, and money is getting very tight, so I need to take all the overtime I can get. It's so nice working in my home office. The cats are also enjoying my home office. Because it's in the lower level, the window is at ground level. The cats love to sit ono the shelf and watch the little sparrows. I threw some bird seed out in front of the window to entice the birds and it has worked marvelously! It seems we also have a little mouse that is enjoying the bird seed, and is driving the cats absolutely crazy! Greg had his dressing changed on his PICC line yesterday and had the nurse take a picture for me! Wasn't that sweet! Ha, ha, ha! So, of course, I'm going to share with you! That's just the kind of wonderful person I am, you know.
So, that's about all for today. Hope everyone has a great evening! Blessings to all! Julie If anyone wants to help: Greg's GoFundMe
I'm not sure why, but Greg decided to wake me up at 5:15 this morning. I don't start work until 7 a.m., and have my alarm set for 6:15 but I'm usually up way before that, so generally get an hour of overtime in in the morning. BUT, I was not ready to get up at 5:15 today! Well, I did, anyway, because I couldn't get back to sleep, and my guts were rumbling, telling me I needed to get up and go. So, I ended up starting an hour early, and it was a good thing I did, because I was crazy busy today! The day literally flew by, until, of course the last half hour, which totally dragged. I went outside and picked up the rest of the shingles from the (collapsed) barn and silo that were all over the yard, and picked up another three or four five gallon pails of shingles. (I had picked up a bunch of pails of shingles a week or so ago, as well.) All the shingles that were in the way of the lawnmower are now picked up. Even with all the weight training I've been doing, it was NOT easy to bend over to pick up all those shingles. Once I picked up one pail-full, and I straightened up, my back was screaming at me! I was bound and determined to get it all done, though, and sure enough, I did! Once that was done, I decided to tackle the garbage. We don't have garbage pick up, because we live in the middle of nowhere. We have to take our garbage to the dump. Truth be told, Greg is a bit of a pack rat. It drives me CRAZY! I give him stuff to throw out and he puts it on the shelf. What's with THAT?! Seeing as I'm the one that's going to be going to the dump in the morning, it was up to me to get everything ready! I have two doors (side garage doors) and a boatload of other garbage! My friend, Jessica came over and helped me get a bunch of stuff in my truck. She had to get home to feed the family and came back later with their dog, Newton. Newton is a Blue Nose Pit Bull, and the SWEETEST dog EVER! He and Erica's dog, Aspen love to run and chase each other! Jessica and I finished loading my truck,while Aspen and Newton played. After about an hour and a half, it was time for Jessica to get back home. I must say, Aspen is WIPED OUT! LOL! To update on Greg, he went for radiation today and was able to turn in his chemo pump! YAY! Hew won't have any more chemo for about 3-1/2 weeks, but he will still have radiation 5 days a week. His last radiation treatment will be on FLAG DAY! Easy to remember -- June 14th! He'll still have two more chemotherapy treatments after that, but it will be nice to not have the daily radiation treatments. So, that's all for today. It's time for me to hit the sack! Talk to ya'all soon! Blessings to all! Julie
So, it has taken me a couple days to get to this post. I needed some time to think about it, and some time to just gather my thoughts. We spent all day Monday at the hospital. And by all day, I mean from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. So seriously, ALL FREAKIN' DAY. The day started out with Greg getting his PICC line. I posted a video a couple days ago about how this is done, so I won't post it again. Once Greg was taken into the operating room, it took about a half hour for the procedure to be done. Greg was worried about any pain he might feel, because it HAS to hurt having that long tube traveling through your body, but when he came back, he said he couldn't feel a thing! He was VERY happy! So, here's a picture of the PICC line:
He only has one "lumen" and from that they can withdraw blood or give him meds. This is awesome, because that means NO MORE POKES! YAY!!!!!
Next was an appointment with the oncologist, but that wasn't until 10:45 a.m., so we had a lot of time to spare. We decided to go out for breakfast, seeing as neither of us had eaten, and we didn't know if we would have time for lunch, breakfast seemed like a good idea! We went to a place near where I work (OK, the building I used to work in), called the Blue Willow Cafe and were pleasantly surprised to find the parking lot FULL! That's always a good sign! After we sat down we saw lots of plaques on the wall that they were voted "Best Breakfast" in the area! Ended up being a great choice! Two eggs, hash browns with onions in them and whole wheat toast for $4.99! Greg had the same thing, so a good breakfast at a sit down restaurant cost us less than McDonald's! BOOM! So, after getting back to the Cancer Center and meeting with the Oncologist, it was time to start his first chemo. Because it's so hard on the kidneys, they first have to hydrate you, and that takes an hour for the entire bag to drip. Next came the various drugs that entail the chemo cocktail. Greg had to use the restroom, and while in there, he decided to take some pictures! LOL Of course, I got a couple too!
I really don't like how pictures post on Blogger! ACK! To make a hectic day even more hectic, I had a doctor's appointment at 2:45 p.m. to review my meds. I figured it would work OK as my doctor is on the same campus as the Cancer Center. By the time I got back, Greg was already gone to his first radiation treatment.
The "leads" that you see on his chest are for his pacemaker. Apparently, they measure the amount of radiation his pacemaker is getting. Because of the leads and pacemaker, he had to get more tattoos! He's now got 3 or 4 purple dots on his chest so they can line everything up properly. After the radiation, Greg got hooked up to his 5FU, which is the chemo that he will have 24/7 over the course of five days. He was given a portable infusion pump that has the chemo meds in it and has a couple of different "bags" to keep the infusion pump in, so he can move around, etc. The infusion pump looks like this:
The clear/smokey area at the bottom is where the medicine is kept. We also have an "emergency chemo bio-wipe bag," in case there would be a spill. According to the nurse, that has never happened, so we're not too concerned! The 5FU chemo will pump continuously until Friday, at which time the nurses will remove it and he'll be free for 28 days! We finally left the hospital at 4:30 Monday afternoon. It was a completely exhausting day, for both Greg and me. We came home, ate dinner, and both of us went to bed! Unfortunately, Greg wasn't able to sleep very well. Between the chemos and the steroids that everyone who gets chemo is put on, he was wide awake after just a couple hours. It's going to take him some time to get used to everything. In addition, the steroids make him CRANKY! If anyone's wondering about me, well, working at home is going well and I'm very happy to be at home. It's kind of odd, because I don't even need an alarm clock! I have one set, just in case though. It is pretty awesome to be able to walk down two flights of stairs and start working! So, I guess I'm doing OK. It could be better, and it could be worse. Just for fun, here's a picture of Greg with all the "stuff" hanging on him! I now call him "Lumpy Greg!!"
With that, I'm going to end this post. It's time for me to relax. Night all! Blessings! Julie Greg's Go Fund Me
What better thing to do the night before starting chemo and radiation than attend a Christian music concert! A night of awesome music and worship is just what the Great Physician ordered! Building 429 is a fabulous Christian rock band and they came to Wausau, Wisconsin with Josh Wilson. An up and comer, with some great songs under his belt! On Thursday night, I decided to send an email to the folks at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church and let them know about Greg's diagnosis and ask if they would be willing to pray over him at the concert. It meant so much to me to have a couple hundred Believers praying for him! I didn't really think anything would come of it, but hey, if you don't ask, you'll never know! I received a response from the head pastor within an hour of sending my email! He stated that he would let the radio station that was sponsoring the concert (89Q) and the group (Building 429) and see what they said. That was the last I heard. Until Sunday, at the concert! April and Mike were talking about the radio station and their current Sharathon, to keep them on the radio for the next six months, and the difference the station has made in the lives of so many people. THEN, April started talking about a gentleman in the audience who is battling cancer for the third time! She read a lot of information from my email and then proceeded, along with a couple hundred Believers, to PRAY FOR GREG! Greg had NO IDEA that I had done this! AND, earlier in the day, at Church, we had our congregation pray over Greg as well! It was absolutely amazing! And THEN, later on in the concert, the lead singer, Jason Roy, started talking about Greg, as well! How awesome is THAT?! We were truly blessed by everyone's prayers yesterday! One of Building 429's most popular songs:
All in all, it was a truly incredible concert! Josh Wilson is a fabulous artist and played the most glorious acoustic version of Amazing Grace. One of my favorite songs is called "I Refuse."
And here's a couple of my pictures from the concert. Click on the picture for a larger version.
Hope everyone is well. Blessings to all! Julie Greg's GoFundMe