Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Blog Resurrection -- News on Greg // Covid Day 1

Well, it looks like it's time to resurrect this blog!  I stopped writing in it last year because of the SSS (my Scum Sucking Sisters) and I did not want them to know what was happening in my life.  If you don't know the story, then you are not a friend of mine on Facebook, and I'm not going to get into it here.  Suffice it to say they have earned their title.   I'm so far past anything they've done to me and our mom that I just don't care any more, and quite frankly, it's more important to keep everyone updated on Greg, than worry about the SSS. 

I am going to copy/paste the post I made on Facebook on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 because that pretty much sums up what happened.  So, here goes.   

With all the things we’ve gone through with Greg, this is probably one of the toughest posts I’ve had to make. The short version is: Greg is in the ICU with Covid. He wasn’t feeling well for a couple days, but we never thought covid. He was getting progressively worse, and I told him that if he wasn’t better this morning, that he was going to the hospital. When I went to wake him up, he was disoriented (confused) and didn’t have the strength to stand. I had to help him to just sit up in bed to take his meds and get some pants and socks on him.

When the ambulance got here and took is blood oxygen, it was only at 44. Normal is about 98. That would account for his confusion, as his brain wasn’t getting enough oxygen. The first responders immediately put him on oxygen. At the hospital, they tested him for covid, and obviously he came back positive. We don’t know where he got it, and frankly, that doesn’t even matter at this point.
He is currently in the covid ICU at Marshfield Clinic Hospital. He is doing OK. His 02 stats are around 84, which is way better than this morning. He is on a Vapotherm machine to help him breathe. They also have him on his stomach as much as possible, as that allows more oxygen to get into his lungs. Earlier today, the doctor thought that he would be on a vent before nightfall, which scared the hell out of me. A big part of Greg’s problem is his left diaphragm being paralyzed, which makes him struggle to breathe on a normal basis. Being the stubborn cuss that he is, he is so far, avoiding the vent! The next 24-48 hours are critical and will tell us if this is the worst of it, or only the beginning. I was able to talk to him for a few minutes tonight and he sounded pretty darn good, so I am choosing to believe that this is the worst of it and he is only going to get better from here!
We all know Greg is a fighter, and for him, his faith in God and his attitude are huge. We all know that Greg has been though so much and God has saved his life more times than I can count. I am choosing to believe that He will also save him this time. Greg hasn’t gone through all of his health issues only to be taken out by a virus. I refuse to believe that and I know my God is stronger than any virus man can make and He will heal him and bring him back home to me.
I know everyone has their own thoughts and conclusions about covid and treatments, but I am confident in Greg’s doctors and in their care. When Greg had cancer, I had way too many people telling me about all kinds of alternative treatments. We chose to believe the doctors and the treatments they recommended. Between the doctors and God, they saved him, whereas some of the alternatives people offered, would have killed him. At this time, I am simply asking for prayers for Greg. Please feel free to add him to any of your prayer chains. We all know that we serve a miraculous God and I trust Him to provide the knowledge and healing that Greg needs. I’ll be sure to post updates as I get them.

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