Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Greg Covid - Day 17 -- Tracheostomy Surgery Today!

Greg's tracheostomy surgery was scheduled for 10:45 a.m. today, but the previous surgery must have gone late, because it did not happen at that time.  Around 11:30, the anesthesiologist came out to talk to me and have me sign the consent for the anesthesia, and he reassured me that he felt Greg would do well.   

I was off work today and sat in the Family Waiting Room at the hospital, and actually ended up taking a bit of a nap while waiting.  While napping, I heard a woman say "Julie for Greg" and perked right up!  She told me that Greg's surgery started at 1:28.  I was a bit shocked, because that's WAY later than I was told, but OK.  I started thinking about what I was going to do, and decided I needed to step outside for a bit, so I went up to the desk to let the woman know that I would be gone for a short period of time.  She was on the phone at the time, and when she got off the phone, I again heard "Julie for Greg."  I looked at her like, yep, that's still me!  She told me that the doctor wanted to speak with me and I should wait in one of the little conference rooms.  Now, this was at about 1:45, and there's no way the surgery was done in that short amount of time, and the doctor would be cleaned up and able to see me, so once again, I'm imagining the worst, even though I was thinking that there's no way something bad happened that quickly, either!  

The doctor came in and saw my panicked face and immediately told me that Greg was fine!  The surgery went well and he had no problems and that Greg was resting comfortably.  Praise God!  

Seeing as I couldn't see Greg, I left the hospital and stopped at Walmart to buy a bunch more stuff for the nurses and came back and dropped it off for them.  I spoke with Martin, Greg's nurse, around 6:15 p.m. and he said that Greg was doing well, and had "less bleeding than normal, because there's always some bleeding with a trach."  So that's good.  They have the vent attached to the trach, but it's in a supportive role.  Greg is doing a lot of the breathing on his own and his "peep" is down to 8 (normal is 5-8), so that's another positive sign!  For anyone that wants to know more about the "peep," and what it is, here is a link with a pretty good, simple explanation:  

Martin told me that they will not start to lower Greg's anesthesia until about 24 hours after the trach surgery.   At that point, they will start waking him up a little at a time, as tolerated.   

Please continue your prayers that Greg does well with the trach and is able to tolerate having the anesthesia lowered.  Please pray that his Covid is gone (they will test on Monday), and that he is finally on the long road to recovery!  You have no idea how much your prayers are appreciated, and we have proof that God is listening with how well Greg is doing!  I appreciate everyone's support and concern for me, as well.  It means the world to me and I know Greg will be touched when he reads all the messages.  

Today's picture of Greg is again an old picture!  This one was also taken over 30 years ago and we were not even married yet.  Greg had never been to Rib Mountain here in North Central Wisconsin before.  He's afraid of heights, but I was able to convince him to climb the tower with me!  Gotta love those shorts, eh?!  And notice the farmer hankie attached to his belt loop!  Ha!  

Love, peace and prayers to all! 



1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Sounds like great news. Hopefully you’ll get a good nights rest tonight. 💕🙏🙏🙏