Saturday, October 9, 2021

Greg Covid Day 5

Greg is continuing to astound the doctors at how well he is doing!   They have turned his vent down to 40% and turned off his blood pressure meds and he is holding his own!  Apparently, an infection, any infection, can cause your blood pressure to go down, and of course, Greg's did, so they were giving him a very low dose of BP meds to keep it stable.   They are going to try to take him off the paralytic anesthesia and wake him up a bit to see if he can breathe more on his own.  The vent then would only supply supplemental oxygen, as apparently, it can recognize when he's breathing on his own. 

Once again he is beating the odds and it is all due to the grace of God!   Please continue your prayers for Greg that his healing continues in this direction!  It would be awesome to have him off the vent in the next couple of days!  I am confident that God specifically placed every doctor and nurse that is caring for Greg, knowing that they are the best of the best and will give him the best care available.  We are so blessed to have world class healthcare here in the middle of nowhere in north central Wisconsin!   

As far as me, well, I'm doing OK, I guess.  It's sometimes hard to wrap my mind around everything that's going on.  I'm trying to treat this like when he had his transplant, knowing that he will be coming home in a month or so, and I can certainly handle anything that needs to be done around here and yet still work, like I did 21 years ago.  At least this time, I don't have three small children to care for, but there are a whole bunch of animals that look to me for their care, so that certainly keeps me on my toes.    

There's a lot of work that still needs to be done to get ready for winter, and while Aaron did a great job of moving stuff around and clearing out the garage for the cars and ATV, it still needs a good deal of organization.  I'm going to talk to Pastor Joe to see if maybe we can get half a dozen people from church to come and help me do that.  Greg has been trying to organize it for the last month, but he could only do so much, and he's definitely not going to be able to do that once he comes home, and it's just too big of a job for me alone.  We can easily get it done in one day if I have some people come help. 

I took a whole bunch of garbage to the dump today, and even remembered to empty the litter boxes again (yay me!) and plan on taking more and more "stuff" every week to get rid of things that Greg was hanging onto (he's a bit of a hoarder, and I have always had to work to keep that in check!  Ha!).   Laundry is being done, and I'm about to do some dishes and other cleaning around the house today.  Tomorrow, after church, I am going to head down to the hospital with a couple bags of candy and a card for the nurses in ICU that are caring for Greg.  Our nurses just don't seem to get the thanks and praise they need for everything they are doing.  Greg has always, always, always been in awe of nurses and so thankful to them for everything they do.  I want them to know that they are appreciated and loved for the care they give to our loved ones when they are in the hospital, and I know everyone likes candy, and is something "safe" that I can give to them, as I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to accept home baked goods due to Covid.  

So, that's all that's going on right now over here.  I'll post another update tomorrow after I talk to Greg's nurse.   

Love, peace and prayers for all! 



Marilyn said...

Sounds like more good news. I’ll keep him in my prayers. So glad you have your church people to pitch in when you need the help. In the meantime keep staying busy, like I have to tell you that, it’ll make the time go faster. Hugs to you. 🤗🤗🥰

Debbie said...

Sounds like good news!!

Ann Nida said...

It's comforting to read that Greg's condition continues to improve. Praise be to God indeed. Continued prayers for Greg to recovery soon so he can get out of hospital. The sooner the better to be back home. I hope you can get help from your church group. That would be wonderful. Take care and stay safe. God bless you all.

MJB said...

Hope Greg continues to make progress