Monday, October 25, 2021

Greg Covid - Day 22 - Still Covid Positive

I spoke with Nurse Michael this morning.  Greg's Covid test from yesterday was positive, so I still cannot go and visit with him.  There was no real change overnight.  They did have to adjust his blood pressure meds a bit.  Electrolytes are a little low, but that’s to be expected with increased urine output.  Temp now is 100.2.  

The doctor called me early this afternoon while I was on my lunch.  This was a new doctor, and I'm not sure I like her.  She was very doom and gloom.  Once again, we have a doctor (who never saw Greg before, so doesn't know his history or all the battles he has fought) giving me nothing but bad news.  Some of them really need to work on their bedside manner.  

Greg does have some major problems.  First, his Covid test came back positive, so we cannot see him yet.  They won't test him again for a week.  This sucks, and I am devastated by this news.  Next problem is that he still has an infection.  They know what the bacteria is, so they are treating it appropriately, but it is hurting his recovery.  He is still needing Tylenol regularly to keep his temperature down.  Third, his oxygenation is only at 90%, even with the vent on 100% support.  His oxygenation needs to come up!  With the vent being on 100% support, if he can't keep his oxygen level up, there isn't anything they can do. 

She did say that the cultures they took yesterday are not showing anything yet.  Last time, they started growing something almost immediately.  So, hopefully that means the infection is going away!   

After talking to the doctor, I screamed, I cried, I hollered at God, crying for a miracle!  This isn't fair.  If God was planning on taking Greg home, why make him and all of us suffer so much.  Why has He made Greg suffer so much for so many years?  What did he do to deserve this?  Is God trying to teach me a lesson through Greg?  Why make him suffer so!  Just WHY!  And I have no answers.  All I can do is scream and cry.  My stomach was in knots and I felt like puking all afternoon.  It sucks.  Everything sucks. 

I called Greg's nurse (Martin) at 4 today and did receive some good news.  Greg's oxygenation was up to 95%, which just made me get down on my knees and thank God!  They were able to come down on some of the blood pressure meds, but he is still at 100% on the vent.  He said "we're doing OK right now"  and that Greg has been between a rock and a hard place. 

Please pray for a miracle for Greg.  He needs to be able to keep his oxygenation at at least 95%.  He needs this infection to be gone, and he needs to be healed from Covid!  

This is a picture of both me and Greg today.  When we were in Brisbane, Australia, Greg was just fascinated by these Banyan trees across the street from our hotel!  It's one of his favorite pictures from that trip.  I don't want this to be the last trip we ever take.  I need him healed.  I need him healthy.  I need him back home with me so we can make more beautiful memories together.  Please, please, please pray with all your heart!  

Love, Peace and Prayers, 




Marilyn said...

Julie, I’m so sorry to hear this,. How frustrated you sound, which is perfectly understood. There are so many of us praying for you both. I guess we have to try harder. May God bless you both. 💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Chris Clemins said...

Julie--I went to bed early last night and didn't see this, so I checked first thing this morning. Sweet friend, please know that prayers haven't stopped--for either of you. Sending you guys love and hugs.

Anonymous said...


Bud Blankenship said...

Again, my heart cries.... Lord God... be here for your servant, Greg. 🙏