Friday, October 22, 2021

Greg Covid - Day 19 - Infection

Greg did not have the greatest night last night.  They didn't make any changes since yesterday and he is still on 100% on vent, but is continuing to initiate his own breaths.  He has been on and off blood pressure meds.  Some of the cultures came back and show that there is bacteria, but they are not sure what yet.  It needs time to grow so they can figure out exactly what it is.  He's being given broad spectrum antibiotics until they know what it is.  His fever went up to 102.6, but at 5:45 this morning, it was down to 100.7 now.  His sedation was turned up a little bit because he was very uncomfortable and not breathing well.  His temp went up, heart rate went up, oxygen was dropping, etc.  Everything evened out after sedation was turned up.  His oxygen levels also went back up.   

Greg's Immunologist and his CCU (Critical Care Unit) doctors spoke today and decided that it would be a good idea to restart his IVIG infusions. They also agreed that they could use the medication that we get from the specialty pharmacy, rather than trying to order it themselves.  The medication is very expensive ($12,000/month), and we are required to get it from the Optum Specialty Pharmacy.  I'm not sure if insurance would cover it if the hospital pharmacy ordered it.   

So, I had to find time to get to the hospital today.  I worked until three, and then had to take Mater to the vet, which was 20 miles northwest of us.  Mater had a huge area under his ear that he had been scratching and it was all icky and infected, and I wasn't able to really clean it good.  Turns out, he not only had yeast in that ear, but also had bacteria, so a nasty ear infection.  They cleaned up the side of his face and cleaned his ears up and gave me antibiotics and ear medicine for him.  $200 later, and we were on our way to the hospital with Greg's infusion meds and supplies.  The hospital was 35 miles south of the vet and instead of dropping Mater off at home (would add extra miles), he came with to the hospital.  It was cool enough out (in the 40's), so there was no problem leaving him in the car while I went up to the CCU.  Because Greg is in the isolation area, I still couldn't see him, even though I was right there, but I was able to wait in the waiting room for his nurse to come and get the meds and supplies I had for them.   

A different nurse came out and I tried to explain how to do the infusion, but I wasn't very hopeful that she understood what I was saying.  I then asked if I could talk to Greg's nurse and agreed to wait, as they were busy "changing Greg's lines" at the time. 

About a half hour later, Greg's doctor came out to talk to me.  She said that Greg has an infection in his blood.  As I was told earlier this morning, they have to wait for the cultures to finish growing so they know exactly what they're dealing with and know exactly what antibiotics to use to combat the infection.  Because it was in his blood, she said that they decided to change all his "lines" (he has 4), and they sent the lines to the lab to be analyzed as well.    

She said that once they get the infection under control, Greg should start doing much better.  So I am very hopeful.  Please pray that they are able to figure this out and get him on whatever antibiotics they need to get rid of this infection! 

A short while ago, I got a call from Greg's night nurse, Maureen.  They had never done an infusion like what I give to Greg, so she wanted detailed instructions from me as to how to give it to him.  I was so happy she called, because I was worried that they might not be comfortable having me tell them how to do the infusion.   I was able to walk her through it all and I'm sure she will manage without too much of a problem.  If Greg was awake, he could have told her what to do, too.  

I'm hopeful that Greg will be negative for Covid on Monday, and then I can give him the infusion at the hospital next Friday!  Maureen even said I could show the other nurses how to do it!  Ha!   I'm also hopeful that the infusion will help Greg's body to fight the infection. 

On the way home from the hospital, I stopped at Erica and Robby's house to pick up some food that Erica had cooked for me because the kids are concerned that I'm not eating well enough (which, I'm not) .  She made some lasagna and a chicken, bacon, ranch casserole -- all packaged in individual aluminum trays that I can just toss in the oven to heat and eat!  Thank you, Erica!  I forgot to mention earlier that Abby also gave me some beef jerky that she made and some yummy homemade banana bread!  Both are amazing, Abby!  Totally impressed with your first venture into making beef jerky!  

I ended up putting on about 81 miles today with all that running around.  I guess that's what you get for living in the middle of nowhere!  

Here we have "Greg, the Chicken Whisperer"!  Ha!  He had a bowl of treats for them and they were all very excited about that!  This was taken on 03.21.2009, and it looks like it was a warm-ish early spring day!   Our chickens are kind of trained, in that if we holler "here, chick, chick, chick" they will come running because we usually are calling them to give them treats.  This way, when we need to get them in the coop or something, they will come running (like Pavlov's dogs). Chickens are like little dinosaurs and will eat absolutely anything.   They love "clean out the fridge day" because if it's not a fuzzy science experiment, I throw it out for them and they gobble it up!

Please continue to pray for Greg.  We need prayers that the doctors will be able to figure out what the infection is and they are able to find the right antibiotics to get rid of it so Greg's body can begin to heal.   Please pray for all the staff that are caring for him, and all the other Covid patients, and everyone who is in the hospital.  God hears us!  His timing is always perfect and I believe in my heart of hearts that He is rolling up his sleeves to fight this infection and blowing His life-giving breath into Greg's lungs.  

Love, Peace and Prayers, 



Chris Clemins said...

Thanks for this update, Julie. Prayers will continue. I'm so worried about Greg...and you as well. Hugs.

Marilyn said...

Bless you both.🙏🙏❤️❤️

Dorothy Leins said...

Praying everyday �� for healing and comfort.

MJB said...

Still thinking of both of you