Sunday, October 24, 2021

Greg Covid - Day 21 Infection Continues

Before church this morning, I spoke to Amanda, Greg's nurse.  He didn't have too many big changes.  They stopped the Lasix drip this morning.  He put out about 2 liters, which was really good result and should make it a little easier for him not having all that extra fluid around his lungs and heart.   There were no changes on the vent.  They had to go up a little on blood pressure meds, but was expected because of the amount of fluid he lost.  He had no high fevers and his blood pressure looks good.  He looks very comfortable.    

I spoke with Dr. John around 4:30 today.  He is currently on pressure support on the vent, so he is breathing on his own.  His oxygenation has been mid-80’s to lower 90’s today.  They haven't changed the vent settings since yesterday and he is still on sedation to keep him comfortable.  They increased his tube feeding to improve his nutrition.  The other problem is the infection.  They talked to an infectious disease doctor yesterday and changed the antibiotic to Cefepime, which is the strongest antibiotic they can use and treats many kinds of bacterial infections, including severe or life-threatening forms.   His blood cultures are still positive, so the bacteria is not gone yet.   They will repeat cultures every day.  Greg's primary problem are his lungs.  He needs time for his lungs to recover.  We are still working on that and he is still fighting.  His oxygen requirement is still pretty high.  He just needs time to get better. 

They are going to do a Covid test today and if it's negative, they will repeat it tomorrow.  He has to have two negative tests to be removed from isolation and for us to be able to visit with him.  They understand the importance of family coming to visit, but they have to follow their rules.  

Please pray that his Covid tests come back negative so we can go visit him!  I firmly believe that if he can hear me and feel me holding his hand, that it will make a huge difference.  Having the kids visit will make a big difference for him, too!  

Please also pray that they are able to get a handle on whatever bacterial infection he has in his blood.  We need the antibiotics to work to get rid of that infection!  

Finally, please pray for Greg's lungs to begin healing. 

Here, Greg is modeling a t-shirt I made for him a couple years ago  I'm going to have to figure out another one to make for him when he gets out of the hospital! Just more proof of what a fighter he is!    

 Love, Peace and Prayers to all, 


1 comment:

Chris Clemins said...

Praying for all the things you asked for and many others. Rest assured that God is with you all.