Sunday, October 10, 2021

Greg Covid - Day 6

So, it's now Day 6.  I spoke with Greg's nurse, Nicole at 9 a.m. and she said that he had an uneventful night.  They were waking him up a little more and he was breathing more on his own, but he still needed the vent and was still at 40%.  His labs all look good and his white blood cell count is normal, so there is no more infection!   Praise God!  

I spoke to Nicole again about 7 p.m. and she said there were no big changes.  He did some of his own breathing while on the vent and lasted about an hour.  They have the vent at 50% now, so a little more than earlier, but when questioned, she stated that this is not unusual and is a fairly normal process.  They will continue to try this every day.  So, we definitely need prayers to continue.  God is listening and healing Greg every day!  

Mom and I went to church today, and I was careful to not wear any mascara for fear I'd go full on Tammy Faye Baker!  Ha, ha,!  It was a wise decision, because I was bawling during most of the Worship Service.  Music is food for my soul, and Christian Music, especially.   Pastor Joe's service was also right on point, and he had planned his service well before Greg became ill.  God knew what was going on and what we would be needing just when we needed it. 

I wanted to post a better picture of Greg, because I don't want people thinking only about the one of him in the hospital.  This is his favorite picture of us from Australia.  He was totally enthralled by the Banyan Trees behind us!  They are hundreds of years old and are so very cool!  This picture was taken across the street from our hotel in Brisbane.  


Greg and I were supposed to go to a wedding this weekend, and obviously were unable to go.  I found out from the father of the groom (our friend), that when they prayed the rosary prior to the wedding service (Catholic church), they also prayed for Greg!   Now, Blair (the bride) had never even met Greg, and we haven't seen Chris in close to ten years, but this beautiful young couple included Greg in their prayers at their wedding all of their own accord!  This just brings me to tears and makes my heart sing.  Here is a picture of the lovely couple. 

Please help me wish them congratulations on their wedding and a lifetime of love and happiness!  

After church today, mom and I went to Marshfield and did some shopping, and I picked up a bunch of stuff for the nurses in the Covid ward at the hospital.  I bought three bags of candy, two boxes of different types of granola bars, and some Hostess Zingers.  I was just going to get some candy, but Abby told me I needed to get the granola bars and stuff for those that don't want candy, which was a great idea!   When I spoke with Nicole this evening, she thanked me profusely.  Greg and I have always been grateful to the nurses, because they do 99% of the work and care so lovingly for our loved ones.  It's just a small token but I know they appreciate it.  I'd love to bake them something, but I'm sure with Covid, they would not be allowed to keep it.  At least this way, with everything being individually wrapped, they can enjoy the goodies I picked up. 

Nothing much else happening around here.  I'm just trying to keep up with everything.  Please continue your prayers for Greg.  He's doing great, but he's got a long road ahead of him!  We need to pray that his lungs continue to heal and he is able to breathe more and more on his own and the vent can be removed and he is able to come back home where he belongs.  

Love, peace and prayers, 



Marilyn said...

It sure sounds like some improvement. Every little bit is a blessing. Hang in there.💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Susan said...

Thank you, Julie for this update! Prayers for healing in Greg’s body…. Peace for you and rest in your body.

How precious and sweet for the young couple to have prayer for Greg at their wedding. 🤗

Isn’t God good! He knows exactly what we need and when we need it!!! I’m so glad you were able to go to church and thankful for God’s ministering touch in you life.

Blessings, my friend!

KenSchmidt said...

Even though I haven't seen Greg in almost 50 years and we weren't close friends I feel a connection now I never expected. This is all because of our forever family in Christ. Prying for you all.